Thursday 17 November 2016

Optional Parent Teacher Interviews

Dear Parents,

It is amazing to see how all of our students have settled in and grown over the last few months, each of them in his/her own very individual way. 
We always appreciate feed back from parents and encourage you to always talk to or contact us if there is anything that you would like to discuss with us in regards to your child's progress.

Optional Parent Teacher Interviews: November 25th
On Friday, November 25th Brevoort Park School will be holding their Parent Teacher Interviews. Brevoort Park School will be closed.  (Preschool classes however will be running that day)

We are offering our families Parent Teacher Interviews during class time that day. There will be a list hanging in the hallway and you can sign up for a specific time.

If you would like to meet with us but can’t make it during class time, please let us know and we would be happy to arrange a date and time that works for you!

We are finally on Facebook!!
As some of you know, I am a digital dinosaur but thanks to Susanne Pachal, we now are on Facebook!! Please follow us and spread the word!!

Kind Regards,

Uli Hecker

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