Friday 7 February 2020

February News

Dear Parents,

Having talked about ocean and having scared winter away with our “Fasching” songs has worked! The temperatures have started to climb up and we are finally able to play outside again!

This month we will be exploring the 5 senses. Children naturally perceive the world around them by using their five senses. This month we will provide our students with a variety of activities that allows them to explore and learn about the different senses that help us to better understand the world around us.
Here are the five senses that of our umbrella unit:
It will be a fun unit, and we look forward to exploring one sense at a time with our little ones.

Outdoor Fun with Care Partners: February 14th (M-W-F class)

We are planning another fun filled morning with our care partners on Friday, February 14th. We will take the children outside to the small hill for some winter fun. Our little ones will have a chance to toboggan with their care partners, explore in the snow, and afterwards enjoy a warm cup of hot chocolate. We will make a friendship card to give to our care partners on this day. Sleds will be provided by our care partners.

Valentine Cards:
Any families wishing to bring Valentine Cards to preschool are welcome to bring them to school. In case you are planning to do so, we kindly ask you to please ensure your child has a card for ALL students of our class. If you are in need of an updated class list please let us know, we are happy to provide one for you. (Tuesday/Thursday class is invited to wear pink or red on Thursday Feb. 13th)


- Dress for the weather
As our lovely Saskatchewan weather continues to warm up off and on, we would like to be outside each day. Please ensure your child has all the cozy, warm and water proof clothing items and foot wear they may need for these days.
This may affect our daily routine for Sharing times. On your childs scheduled day, please let us know if your able to stay a few extra minutes in the morning, and we will start the day with your childs sharing! If you're not able to stay at 9 a.m.  but would like to watch later, we will come back inside and have sharing at our usual 11:35 time. Just let us know, prior to your child’s show and tell date.

-Frau Hecker Away (February 6-25)
Frau Hecker will be away visiting family in Germany February 6-25th. During her absence Frau Lorenz will be team teaching with Frau Skinner. Mrs. Skinner has worked as a preschool teacher at our school in the past.  She also does special story time, and our little ones are in for a treat.

For any questions, reported absences or concerns while Uli Hecker will be gone please call or text:
Larissa Lorenz: 306 -220-4830 email:
We ask parents to only contact the front office of Brevoort Park School if you can’t get a hold of the teacher.


Feb 13      Students are welcome to wear red and pink
Feb 14         M-W-F class: Care Partner activities outside
Feb 17-21   Winter Break (school will resume Monday 24)
Feb 26         Scholastic Book orders are due
                     Frau Hecker will be back from Germany
Feb 28      Last day to return order forms for Mom’s pantry fundraiser forms

A special Thank You goes out to Kira’s dad who visited our MWF class to tell us all about Chinese New Year! Your special visit was greatly appreciated!


For any families wishing to order books for the month of February:
The deadline to order for this month is Wednesday Feb. 26th. If you need any help to set up an account, please don't hesitate to contact Frau Lorenz. As of now, we will only be using the online ordering system and no longer sending home the paper flyers. If you need another copy of the steps to create an account, please let us know.