Tuesday 5 January 2016


Dear Parents,

Our January Theme will be “Children from around the world”. We would like to take our children on a multicultural journey, exploring some of the fascinating and exciting cultures and places around the world and within Canada.

Show & Tell
Show & tell will look a little different this month:
We want every child to have an opportunity to share something from/about another culture in the world.
In order to squeeze every child into our schedule, we will double-up our show & tell calendar. One student will have his/her show and tell in the morning and the other student at the end of class.

Kids can bring:
·         An item from family travels (maybe relatives have given them a souvenir)
·         Some thing from your own or a different cultural heritage
·         a picture from a book, or something you found on the internet, or at 10.000 Villages (store)
·         wear a cultural outfit, if you have one ( or just a hat, dress, shirt etc.)
·         bring music, dance etc.
I have a special globe that plays a variety of national anthems of different countries!

Help needed
Parents, please help your child to be able to tell their friends a bit about their show & tell (keep it very simple and age appropriate). You could even write a little note and we can help them with their little “presentation”. J
We also welcome and invite you as a parent, relative or friend if you would like to come in and help your child introduce a certain country or culture to our students.

International Snack: Monday, February 1/Tuesday February 2nd
Students are invited to share a food item, small (bite size) portions. That way our children can sample many foods without much wastage. Due to allergies/food restrictions, please be sure all food items are nut/pork free.
Please sign up on the food item list hanging in the hallway.

We are looking forward to a colourful unit about “Children from all around the World”!

Thank you for your support!