Monday 17 September 2018

September 2018 Newsletter

                                        September 18th, 2018
Dear Parents,

We had a great start into our new preschool year. Our students had so much fun exploring the classroom, and meeting their friends!

We had one little girl summing up her first day by saying “I think I had way too much fun today!” This is just the beginning of a full year of FUN and LEARNING and we are so excited to be part of this journey!

Over the next two weeks we will help our children to settle in, meet their new friends and get used to the daily routine. We will be playing, reading books, singing songs and trying to spend much “one on one” quality time with each of them.

We have read the book “The Crayon Box that Talked” and realized that we are like a box of crayons. Each of us is special and unique but only if we work together, we can create a picture that is complete! Many of our activities in September will evolve around this topic and the importance of being kind, respectful and nice to each other. In this context our students will learn about different colours, experiment with paint and create beautiful and colourful pictures.

Depending on weather (temperatures, rain etc.) we will take our classes on nature walks through the park and keep our eyes open for the change of colours in leaves, grass and look for signs of Fall. (If the weather isn’t inviting, we will use the gym to run and play).

Talking about playing: Some children might be a little bit tired by the end of class. This is very common when children start their new year.
Some children might need a little “down time” and might not necessarily be in the mood to tell you “all “ about their day.So please, don’t be surprised! One way to find out about how their day was, could be to ask simple but specific questions such as: “Did you play outside or in the gym?” “What book did you read today?” “What did you play during play time?” etc.

We always invite parents, care givers or any person who picks up your child to come in and join us for the last 5 minutes of class time. It is another opportunity to hear about what we have done in class that day. We believe very strongly in the importance of communication between home and school and feel that it is very important that preschool atmosphere is a home-like one that is based on love and trust.

We will send out monthly newsletters that will update you on unit topics, and specific dates. We encourage you to read them regularly and to mark your calendars for special events.

Our main goal is to get to know all of you and to provide the best early childhood education for your child. We invite you to take a few moments and tell us more about your child. Please fill out the form with questions about your child.

Feel free to add on if necessary. Your answers will help us to get a better understanding of your child and to meet the individual needs of our students.

Each of our little crayons is special and unique but if we put the pieces together, the picture will be complete! 

We are looking forward to the first weeks of FUN and LEARNING with your children.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
( phone: 306-2814428)

Kind Regards,

Uli Hecker & Larissa Lorenz

Here is the link to the questionnaire!