Monday 25 May 2015

Open spots!

We currently have 6 open spots for the Monday, Wednesday, Friday afternoon program! The handbook and registration packages are available under "Schedule & Tuition" at the very bottom, so much sure to scroll down.

If you have any questions, please contact Uli Hecker.

Sunday 3 May 2015

May Newsletter 2015

Dear Parents,
We were very busy last month, taking our children outside again and letting them explore the changes in nature. It is amazing to watch how creative our children can be when they play in the park. Just the other day, they were collecting sticks and turned them into a bon fire, roasting pretend marshmallows. Another group of students made little houses for the ladybugs that had just awakened from their winter sleep. 
Our goal is to provide many opportunities that allow children to connect with nature and explore the beauty of it. Learning for the next few weeks will often times happen by going on nature walks and often times we will take our snack outside and have a picnic under the tree.
I just looked at a picture of my own daughter when she was 3 years old. Our family went camping and one day she went into the woods, collected all kinds of things, and after a while she invited my husband and me to come to her “ice cream stand”. There she was, sitting behind a log that served as her counter. We could choose from Vanilla ice cream  (white rocks), chocolate ice cream  (pine cone) and strawberry ice cream (red berries), not to forget the little twigs that were “straws”, just in case  the ice cream melted. J
It is great to have Toys‘ R Us but we sometimes need to remind ourselves  that nature is a big toy store and all the toys are for free!!!

April Theme May/June: Life Cycles of Animals
Life Cycle of a Chicken
In case you have not heard yet, the grade 1 class invited us to watch little chicks hatching from eggs. The class had an incubator in their classroom and we have had the thrill of welcoming 6 baby chicks into the world. Our children were so excited!
Life Cycle of a Butterfly
As part of this umbrella unit, I have ordered caterpillars and I am hoping to get them soon so we can watch and observe the life cycle in our classroom.   
The book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar “ (by Eric Carle) will assist us and build the bridge between nature and literacy. 
Planting flowers
Our children will be “gardening” and planting flowers and vegetables in the classroom and also learning about how plants grow.

Field Trip to Forestry Farm Zoo:  Wednesday, May 6th 
As I had mentioned in a previous note, our morning and afternoon M-W-F classes will be combined for this field trip.
Parents from the a.m. class, please remember to bring your child only for the afternoon that day.  
Thank you to all the parents who have signed up to chaperone. Your support is greatly appreciated. We hope to see lots of baby animals at the Zoo.
·        The bus will be leaving at 12:35 p.m. and we will be back at 3:15 p.m.
·        Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather, rain or shine (dress in layers), comfortable shoes (rain boots if needed, no flip flops), sun screen, bug spray etc.
·        We will provide snacks, water and juice boxes for the children that day, no lunch kit needed

Mark Your Calendar
May 6                       Field Trip to Forestry Farm Zoo (M-W-F classes)
May 6 /April 7           Scholastic Book Orders due
May 15                     PD Day / No school
May 18                     Victoria Day / No school
Uli Hecker will be in Germany from May 23rd  -  June 5th. Mrs. Skinner will be lead teaching the M-W-F class during that time.  Susanne Pachal and Samina Roohi will be assisting her.      
In case you need to contact Ruth Skinner during this time, please use the following numbers:
Ruth Skinner: cell 306-2926335, home: 306-665003, email:

New Brevoort School Door Access Times
In the interest of providing a safer and more secure school environment for students and staff, as of this week Brevoort Park School side doors and back doors will be locked at certain times during the school day.
Please check the new Access Times Schedule in order to be aware which door to use.
If the boot room door is locked you will have to enter through the front door.
FYI: The style of door used in schools allows for those inside to exit whether the doors are locked or unlocked.

Bootroom Doors will be locked at:
9:15 a.m. 11:15 a.m.  1:10 p.m., 4:00 p.m. (3:40 p.m. on Thursdays)
Bootroom Doors will be unlocked at:
10:40a.m. 11:30a.m. 2:20 p.m.

Help Needed: Treasurer Position Open
Our preschool is looking for a volunteer treasurer who would be willing to take over for our current treasurer Nicole Drobot (Tuesday/Thursday parent). She will be moving away this June. We are very grateful for all that she has done to support our preschool. We will miss her and her precious little girls!
If you are willing to fill this position, please let us know ASAP. Nicole would be happy to help you with the transition and provide you with all the information you need.

Folk Fest Performance German Cultural Center: Saturday, August 15th
Our preschool has been invited to perform at the Saskatoon Folk Fest this year.
We are planning to sing some German songs and rhymes. We don’t have a set time but as it seems, our children will most likely perform between 3:30p.m.and 4:30 p.m. All of our performing preschool children will get a free meal and drink as a token of appreciation.
There will also be a balloon man from 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. to celebrate our Preschool’s 30st Anniversary.
I will have a list hanging in the hallway soon for parents to let me know if your child will be able to join us.
Some parents had asked about the date of our last day of preschool. It will be June 24/25. I hope you had marked your calendar (extended class time that day) as we are inviting parents to join us for a little performance and potluck in our classroom!

As always, feel free to contact us if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns!
Kind Regards,

Uli Hecker, Ruth Skinner                                     Larissa Lorenz, Samina Roohi