Wednesday 8 June 2016

June Newsletter

                           JUNE NEWSLETTER 2016
Dear Parents,
Eins, zwei, drei, die Schule ist vorbei! One, two three, school is over! I can’t believe this will be our last newsletter for this preschool year! All of our children have grown so much, in many ways. They have  “filled our buckets” with their smiles and giggles, their kind hearts, their unconditional trust and their curiousity about the world around them. Some of our students will return for their second preschool year and others will be off to Kindergarten. We hope that they will be well prepared them well for the next step in their lives.

As all of you know, Ruth Skinner, the assistant teacher in the M-W-F class is still in the midst of waiting for test results and she still does not know what her medical treatment will entail. The doctors are hopeful they have caught it early but with limited specialists in Saskatchewan, steps are taking longer than expected.
As the future is not predictable at this point, Frau Skinner has decided to resign for next year in order to be sure she has enough time to recover. We know that it was a very difficult decision for her as she truly enjoys teaching. She has been working with us for many years. Her passion for books (no one can make stories come alive like Frau Skinner!) and her remarkable knowledge about nature and science have filled our children’s buckets on a daily basis.
Our families, children and staff members will miss her very much! We wish her ALL the best and all the time that she needs to fully recover. We will keep in touch with Frau Skinner and hope that she will visit us for  “story time” or special cultural events like “Fasching” or “St. Nikolaus”.
We are so happy to welcome back Larissa Lorenz, who has decided to return after a personal leave to re-join our teaching team this upcoming year.  She will be assisting with Frau Hecker in the M-W-F classes.
Our 3 years old class (Tue-Thu a.m.) will be taught by our loving and caring team of teachers, Frau Susanne Pachal and Frau Samina Roohi.

Our last month will be a mixture of fun activities.
·       The children had a blast at the Zoo! We were so lucky to have nice weather! Thank you to all the parents who had joined us that day and helped us to keep our “little ducklings” in a row. Your support was greatly appreciated.
·        We are on the “home stretch” with our ABC’s and the kids have almost made it through the alphabet. Way to go!
·        We will review our German songs this month and we hope that our children will remember them. It is so rewarding to see them getting excited about learning German. Some parents seem to have learned some German from their children too!

Please make sure your child is protected from the sun (sun screen, hat etc.). We have seen a few pretty “pink” faces this week. Also, please remember to send your child in shoes that allows them to run down the hill and climb our favorite tree at the park. J

The last book order for this year will be due this Wednesday and Thursday.

YEAR END CELEBRATION:  June 23/24 (last day of school)
We are looking forward to our year end celebration with our families. We will have a children’s performance, followed by a family potluck in  the park.
Please join us: a.m. class 10:00 - 11:40 a.m.
                          p.m. class 1:30 -  3:15 p.m.
Ø  There is a potluck sign up sheet in the hallway. Please let us know what you would like to bring!
Ø  Please bring a picnic blanket for your family! We are hoping for good weather!!
We are still waiting for some RSVP notes. You can also email us and let us know how many family members will be attending that day.

Ø  We want to take the opportunity to thank all our wonderful parents, grandparents and PCDC caregivers, who have supported us in so many different ways throughout the year. It was heart warming to see us growing together as a big family!
Ø  Thank you so much to all our board members, who have volunteered their time to help us   run our preschool smoothly.
Ø  A special Thank You goes to Kristy Werner who took care of our Scholastic book orders every month!
Our little friends have taught us valuable lessons about love, friendship and how important it is to see the world through the eyes of a child. Children are an amazing wealth of wonder. We are hopeful that the summer break will help all of us to slow down and have lots of time to play, explore and discover with our precious children!
Thank you for allowing us to be part of your child’s life! They have become dear to our hearts and we hope that all of our students will remember Hansel & Gretel Preschool as a place where “FUN meets LEARNING”.

                            We wish you and your family a fantastic summer!
                                      Auf Wiedersehen and Good Bye!

                                             Uli Hecker, Ruth Skinner
                                        Susanne Pachal, Samina Roohi