Wednesday 15 February 2017

Sneak Peak

Preschool Sneak Peek Afternoon:
Tuesday, May 16th 2017
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Dear Parents,
We are looking forward to welcoming your child to our preschool in the fall.
In order to ease the transition for your child into this new chapter in their lives, we are inviting our newly joining children and their parent(s) to a “sneak peek” afternoon. The children will have the opportunity to explore our classroom environment, meet our staff and become comfortable with their new ‘stage’ that they will be entering this fall.
We will also provide you with a handbook and  information on the starting date of the 2017-18 school year.
We are looking forward to meeting you at our sneak peek afternoon!
Please RSVP by May 1st :

Uli Hecker
(Coordinator Hansel & Gretel Preschool)

Friday 3 February 2017

February Newsletter

Dear Parents,
I hope you all enjoyed the unusual “heat wave” that we experienced last month. The weather has taken us on real roller coaster ride this winter.  
The children had a real blast with our dinosaur unit! They learned all about how dinosaurs lived. We did a lot of hands on activities with our children, that helped them to grasp the complex concept of extinction, excavating and bones turning into fossils. Even the gym turned into a “Jurassic Park”!  We turned off the lights, pretending that a meteorite hit the earth and all the dust and lava was blocking the sunlight. Some of our little paleontologists made their own play dough fossils, while others were baking dinosaur  cookies and ate their  “sweet” fossils. Even during snack time carrots turned into pointy T-Rex teeth, peppers into “sharp claws” etc. Thank you so much parents for all the yummy and healthy choices that you pack every day!!
February will be another short month, as we will have the week of Feb. 20 -24 off.  However, we have a lot of things on our “fun to do” list.
This month many of our daily activities will evolve around shapes and opposites. We will go on I spy tours through the building and spy for shapes, make shapes with our bodies, shape crafts etc. It was funny to listen to some children as they were looking at their snack and realized that many of their snack containers, lids and even their fruits and veggies reminded them of different shapes.
May be you want to take your child on a “looking for shapes” tour at home. Once you start looking, you will see them everywhere! J
FASCHING (Carnival) – German Holiday
We will be celebrating a very special and fun German holiday, called  Fasching this month. Fasching is a traditional German holiday season, often associated with festivals of the Christian church (letting loose before Lent and fasting begins). However, it goes back to pagan times, and was a way of driving out the spirits of winter and encouraging the coming of spring and good crops. In Germany, at this time of the year, many people in different areas of the country dress up in costumes and join floats Fasching/Karneval parades that are happening all over the country.
The most exciting part is the candy toss throughout the parade. You will see hundreds of people on the sidewalks, shouting “Helau” or “Alarf” and trying to catch Fasching candies.
There will be a poster hanging in the hallway, with more information on this holiday.

FASCHING PARTY: Wednesday, February 15th / Thursday 16th
We will have a Fasching Party in our classroom. Children are invited to wear a costume that day.
Parents are invited to join us for the last 20 minutes and be part of the candy toss parade. We will also serve you traditional German “Fasching Krapfen” (doughnuts) at the end of class.

VALENTINES: Sledding with our Care Partners, Monday  February 13th
We will touch the theme “Valentines“ and friendship” this month by inviting our “Big friends”, the care partners from grade 4 to join us for a fun winter time outside.  They will take our little ones tobogganing and have hot chocolate with us afterwards.
(If your child would like to give Valentine cards as a sign of friendship, we ask you to send a card to every class member, to ensure that nobody feels left out. I will send home a class list on Monday.)

Registration for 2017/18 school year is open!
Thank you to all the board members who helped us at our Open House in January! Two classes have almost filled up. However, we still have openings left. We would appreciate if you could help us to fill these spots by spreading the word through face book etc. Your support is greatly appreciated!
Facebook : Please don’t forget to visit us on Facebook!

SGC (Saskatchewan German Council) monthly newsletter
If you are interested in events that are related to Germany (cooking classes, language classes, dance, choir, German-English story time at the library, celebrations and events at the German Cultural Center etc), please go on the SGC website

Mark your Calendar
Feb. 6/7         Scholastic book orders due
Feb 13th        Sledding with care partners (dress for the weather: snow pants, snow boots, hats, mittens)
Children are welcome to bring their own sled!
Ø  Children are invited to dress up and wear a costume.
Ø  Parents, please join our candy toss parade and “Krapfen” for the last 20 minutes of class time!
Ø  Students don’t have to bring snack that day!

February 21th – 24th :  February Break / No School
School resumes on Monday, February 27th!

Frau Hecker will be at a Conference for Early Childhood Educators this Friday (classes will still be running).
Frau Lorenz will be leaving next week for a family vacation and will be gone for 2 weeks. Frau Roohi will be filling in and assisting Frau Hecker in the M-W-F classes.

We are looking forward to another month of Fun & Learning with our children!

Kind Regards,

Uli Hecker, Larissa Lorenz
Susanne Pachal, Samina Roohi