What a great first month of preschool we have had!
Last month we read books about “How To
Fill a Bucket” with our students and we talked about how important it is to
be kind and respectful to each other. We are so excited to see our students,
already filling our buckets every day!
Cleaning up toys, taking turns, sharing
with your friends, using our gentle and helping hands and kind words help to
fill our preschool buckets. We also teach our little friends that sometimes
people forget to fill buckets or don’t realize when they “scoop” out of a
bucket. It is never to late to say “Sorry”, another concept that we encourage
and model in our class.
Learning: Herbst ist hier! Fall is here!
We feel blessed that we are still able
take our students to the park almost every day. Last month, a lot of “outdoor
learning” took place through exploration. The children were sorting leaves by
colours and shapes, counting sticks, looking for ladybugs in the grass, making
piles of leaves and touching the bark of different trees.
Did your child tell you about the “nature
alphabet”? We showed our students how to form letters with sticks and asked
them to look for letters and shapes in nature. One little boy came and showed
us a twig that had the shape of a “Y”. We watched another student bending a
little twig, holding it up and realizing: “It has the shape of a circle!”
Learning with all our senses happened, when
we had snack outside and the children sat quietly under a tree, listening to
the wind while watching the leaves falling, one by one.
We will now keep an eye out for geese
flying in a V shape, and leaving for warmer places.
I am sure some of you might have heard your
child singing our German colour song or “Herbst ist hier” song that we have learned
this month.
OCTOBER THEME: HARVEST and THANKSGIVING, Many of our October activities will revolve around “Harvest”.
Our students will learn about different seasonal vegetables.
The children
will cut open pumpkins and look at the inside; counting seeds (and getting
their hands sticky). J
Many of our centre activities will include
counting, sorting and classifying different fall items.
fruit and veggie songs
Naming fruit
and veggies in German
Holiday is coming up this weekend and we will take the opportunity to think
about what we are all thankful for.
All of our classes will be going on a chartered field trip to
Dutch Growers Greenhouse Hay Maze. We need 6 parent helpers/chaperones for each
class!! There is a sign up list hanging in the hallway.
T-TH a.m. class: Thursday: October 27
The bus will be leaving at 9:10 a.m. and
the class will be back at 11 a.m.
F a.m. class: Friday October 28
The bus will be leaving at 9:10 a.m. and
the class will be back at the school at
11 a.m.
p.m. class: Friday October 28
The bus will be leaving at 12: 35 p.m.
and we will be back at 2:30 p.m.
Children will
be dismissed at their regular end of class time. Please inform your teacher if
you are picking up or taking home your child earlier that day.
We invite
children to wear their favourite costume on our field trip day. We can’t wait
to watch our little goblins running through the maze.
Snacks will be provided on our field trip day.
We will introduce our students to the
letters of the alphabet throughout the year. The most exciting activity for
each child is to identify the letters of their own name. Many of the children
already recognize letters in their name, and often choose to sit on the first
letter of their name on our circle/centre carpet.
The children will explore letters through
many hands on activities that will support letter formation, and letter
sounds. Our letter bunny “Hase” will
pull wooden lines (big line, little line) and curves out of his magic hat which
our students will use to form letters!
We also have a variety of songs that make learning about letters really
Thank you for
taking your child to the bathroom before class starts. We have had way more
playtime and less bathroom traffic lately.
Thank you for
teaching your child how to cover sneezes and coughs with their sleeve
(not with their hands). Please (if necessary) remind your child that
“picking noses” can also spread germs and colds! J
Thank you for
teaching your child how to get dressed. We see many of your children trying
really hard to do it “all by myself”.
Thank you for
always checking your mailbox after class.
Thank you for
taking off your (and your child’s) wet footwear when you walk inside the
Thank you to Svetlana
Gutfreund for making new play dough for our classes.
Thank you to
Kristy Werner for taking care of all the Scholastic Book orders!
As all Public Schools in Saskatoon, our
staff and students will practice different types of drills (fire drill,
lockdowns) throughout the year. If you have any specific questions about emergency
procedures, please contact us. Our preschool follows the Brevoort Park School
emergency guidelines. One of our classes already joined a fire drill and the
kids did an amazing job, following our instructions on how to leave the
Starting in October, parents and/or the
designated pick up person of the day are invited to join us for the last 10 minutes of class at the end of each preschool
That is when our children will be either
sitting in the boot room (after outside play) or will be in the classroom and
sitting on the carpet for our last circle time. Our teachers will let you know
what activities we did, what books we read and sometimes share “funny moments”
or “quotes” of our day. J
Show and Tell will start in November and
we will let your child know when it is their day to share and talk about their
“special thing” with the class.
Contact List
We would like to compile a class
telephone/contact list for parents. It is a great way to get in touch with
other families, have play dates etc.
Would someone
be willing to create a class directory and update the list when needed?
We are looking for one or two parents
that are willing to
support us with:
organizing of
classroom parties/special events
sign up lists etc.)
mark your calendar!!!!)
Wed/ Thurs Oct. 5/6 Scholastic Book Orders
are due
Friday Oct 7 PD Day (no class)
Monday Oct 10 Thanksgiving
Day Holiday (no class)
Thursday Oct 27 Field Trip to
Dutch Growers Hay Maze
Friday Oct 28 Field Trip
to Dutch Growers Hay Maze
Monday Oct
31 Pumpkin
carving and Halloween activities
(feel free to wear your costume again)
The Saskatoon Public Library is offering “German-English
Family Story Time” once a month. The next story time will be on Saturday, October
8, 2:00 pm - 2:30pm. at Mayfair Library.
Picture Day
Picture Day (class photos) for our
preschool will be NOVEMBER 2/3.
As always, feel free to contact us if you
have any questions or concerns.
Uli Hecker, Larissa Lorenz (MWF class)
Susanne Pachal, Samina Roohi (T-Th class)