Monday 20 January 2020

Beach Party

Wednesday, January 29th
Thursday, January 30th 

After a long cold stretch, we are ready for a hot trip! As part of our ocean unit, we are planning a fun beach party in our classroom.
Our tables will turn into coral reefs, we will have snack on the beach and enjoy a variety of fun ocean activities.

At this time of the year, many provinces in Germany celebrate a cultural tradition called “Fasching” or “Karneval”. This is a celebration that originated in the 13th century and is meant to scare away winter.

We have decided to celebrate our traditional Fasching (carnival) a little early this year as Frau Hecker will be gone for an extended week in February. Therefore, we will combine two parties into one. Fingers crossed that Fasching mixed with beach themed activities will help to chase winter away!

Snack provided
Larissa and I will put a “beach snack” buffet together.  So please enjoy a break, and just pack a water bottle for your child. It’s going to be sunny and hot in the room, so they will get thirsty.

We invite the children to dress in whatever “summer/beach clothes” they like for this fun day. Please bring a beach towel!

Parents are invited to join us from 11:15 - 11:45 a.m.!
We invite all parents/caregivers to join us for the last 30 minutes of class on this day. Our little ones will march through the room chanting for winter to GO AWAY and sing a variety of our ocean songs. We will end the day with a traditional Fasching “candy toss” parade and a special beach drink for our parents!

Tuesday 7 January 2020

January 2020

                JANUARY NEWSLETTER 2020
Dear Parents,
We wish all of our families a very Happy New Year! We hope that you had a restful and relaxing break and spent lots of time with your family.
We are looking forward to our first month of the 2020 school year with our batteries fully recharged. Our children must be excited to see their friends again! Now it’s time to settle back into our routine and explore new things.
Our team has decided to break up the long winter! We will have a unit on “Life under Water” and we will spend most of January with activities related to our OCEAN THEME.  You will see a lot of sea creatures hanging in the hallway. The highlight will be a “Hawaii Beach Party” at the end of January. Coming to school in flip flops, sun glasses, shorts and summer dresses is one way to make winter fun!!
We will also explore questions such as:
·         How do fish sleep?
·         What happens when a star fish loses a leg?
·         Why does an octopus squirt ink?
·         Why do some fish have whiskers?
·         Why do shells have holes?
·         etc.
If you have a fish in a small tank at home, we would be happy to borrow it for a few days and invite your fish to join our class!


We realized a BIG GROWTH SPURT in some of our children and wonder if their little feet
still fit in their indoor shoes! Please check your child’s indoor shoes to make sure that their little “happy feet” are not “trapped”.


We encourage all parents to be cautious and keep children at home when they are sick and show flue/cold symptoms. The best way to prevent germs from spreading in our classroom is covering coughs and sneezes (and in some cases keeping fingers out of mouths and noses J).  


Parents of students that are currently enrolled can pre-register their child prior to the Open House when registration will open to the public.

All students currently enrolled will have a spot guaranteed. However, final class placement will be based on a combination of factors. Our registrar will contact you once we have sorted through the 2020/21 applications after the Open House. Families who are pre-registering do NOT have to attend the Open House in order to get a spot.
·        Pre-registration is now open until January 17th.
·       Please spread the word about the Registration Night (open to public) on January 22 @ 7p.m.! You can also find us (and like us J) on Facebook!


Jan 15              Brevoort Park School Kindergarten Info Night @ 6 p.m.
Jan 17              Last day to pre-register for 2020-21
Jan 22              2020/21 Information & Registration Night for new families
Jan 27              PD Day, no school  
Jan 29/30        HAWAIIAN PARTY - Come in your shorts and summer dresses, sun glasses etc. and bring a towel. A snack “wish list” will be hanging in the hallway!
If you would like to stay updated about activities in the German-Canadian Community, you can subscribe for the monthly newsletter of SGC (Saskatchewan German Council) You will find all kind of interesting news and listed special events.
We would like to say “Thank you” for all the nice cards, kind gifts and special Christmas treats that we had received from families in December!! It was not expected but greatly appreciated! 
We are excited to start a New Year and are looking forward to another month of FUN and Learning!

Happy New Year! Ein Frohes Neues Jahr!

With warm wishes,

Uli Hecker & Larissa Lorenz